12 January 2025


It Concerns ... Your Standing On Earth 

This website will give you some tips and pointers toward living into more tangible balance in you own life.

More to the point, how you stand. That makes a difference, you know. On how you see the world. And, how the world sees you. 

It's a matter of balance. Merely standing on two feet is not the whole of it. Not nearly. There's the evolutionary possibility for us humans to stand fully upright. According to the Anatomical design of the body and the basic Physics of Gravity. 

Simply put, living adequate to the demands of the constant and ever present pull of Gravity. Most people fall short.

We know from science and its practical application in architecture how things should be put together. We make sure whatever we build is, at its core, what the trades call "plumb" and "square". This goes back to pre-recorded history when somebody first figured out the simple fact that a stone fence would last if the stones were set one on top of the other. 

This applies to the human body too. The inherent natural design of the human body calls for everything to be level and even around a vertical line. Stacked up nice and straight. 

The center line of the body is supposed to match up with the vertical action of Gravity. When the two are aligned you are living in balance. Equipoise. This is not just a nice idea. A high concept. It's tangible. A percept. You feel it. And, it feels right. You see it for yourself.

There are implications here concerning health. Bodily balance is, by definition, healthy. Psychologically, bodily balance equates with being present, having a clear-eyed take on your world. What could be more ecological? Enlisting the energy field of the Earth as a ingrained standard for balanced living. Spiritually, balance and inner peace are directly related. Oh, yes. It feels good too.

This is all just plain common sense. But, you have to give the idea a moment to sink in. Most people aren't living anywhere near their natural potential for true balance in the makeup of their bodies. Out of balance is so commonplace it goes unnoticed. Even, taken for normal. Usual, yes. Normal? Kind of.

Take a look at these stills from the recent movie Birdman. What do you see?

My first take when I saw the image on top was that it might be a posture thing. A moment in time where the actor moved one shoulder higher than the other. I looked further, and it appears that may be the way the gentleman is put together. I'll bet most people who saw the movie were only struck by the fact that he was levitating. I was. The other, just as obvious spatial imbalance, goes unnoticed.

To illustrate the point further, go somewhere where lots of folks are around to observe. Now, take a look at how they walk. Sure, one foot goes in front of the other. But, look more closely. Each person exhibits a different pattern of movement. This is a result to a very large extent on how their individual life histories have become recorded into the very fabric of their flesh. The seemingly simple act of walking is a complex motor function. The articulation of the feet and legs. The transfer of movement through the pelvis. Then upward, through the torso and into the shoulders. The neck and head also participate; or, don't. Tightly fixed head ... that's called "head strong".

Also, as you observe how people move, consider how some patterns are more efficient and graceful. Then, how some others (a lot), if extended over a long period of time, will lead to complications and disfunctions. 

This is not necessary. And, it's easy to correct. But, again, you have to want it. It does take doing. So, what to do?

KEY POINTER: Pay attention to how you use your body. It's called mindfulness. Just include your body sense into your total field of awareness. Your body is constantly giving you feedback on when it's happy, and when it's not. Pay attention to the signals. Adjust accordingly.

Additional posts on this website will be added to build on this basic foundation. 

If you want to get into it big time right away, here's a place to go. Click this

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