08 September 2023

What is Dr. Ida P. Rolf Method / Structural Integration?

 What is Dr. Ida P. Rolf Method

Structural Integration?
 As I understand it, Dr. Rolf’s basic premise is this: 

Just like it is for any physical structure on Earth, the same also applies to the Human body structure. In this regard Gravity is determinative.

In terms of how this applies to Human beings, consider basic Science. 

Anatomically the Human body is designed structurally as something stacked up vertically, the segments level front to back, and with symmetry side to side. Dr. Rolf would say: "... something organized around a vertical line".

From Physics we understand that the Human body arrangement — vis-a-vis the demands of Gravity — calls for the same uprightness, evens and symmetricals  which are also understood Anatomically.

29 May 2023

𝐎𝐡𝐦 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲

Sine Wave 
Morphic Resonance
 in the Human Body

A little background ...

I have a career in the field of Dr. Ida P. Rolf Method /
Structural Integration. Its main goal is the balance of the body with the Gravitational Field of the Earth.

Adaptation to the energy field of the Earth is an evolutionary potential for Humans at this point in history. It doesn't take much to make the point by reading the news that the Human experiment is a mixed bag. 

Zeitgeist stuff aside, note Energy Field. There's the Human energy field [individually, and collectively]. There's the energy field of the Earth. That would be Gravity. And, of the Universe; come to think of it.

Dr. Ida P. Rolf's idea was to further human evolution by directing [righting?] it's course following one single solitary as-plain-as-the-nose-on-your-face, common sense anatomical perspective; justified scientifically, in Physics. In the simplest of terms: Plumb and Square. That is the norm for structures on Earth. For the Human body too. Put another way, vertically upright, even [symmetrical], and level [horizontal]. Not in some robot assembled way, but as a dynamic reference for living. It's there already. Gravity is the message. We, as Humans, can tune in. Consciously. Proactively. Sustainably.

The genius of Dr. Ida Rolf is in originating an approach to fostering a transformation in the arrangement of the body along the lines of Gravity. This is not just good theory, folks. It's a way to go. It works. You may have heard of it; some are familiar with the nickname "Rolfing". 

That's a little background. Now for the electrifying stuff. Let's talk the Body Electric.

David D. Wronski seen here in Official Goin' to Work Mode

"Ohm Fractal Sine Wave Morphic Resonance in the Human Body."

Ida Rolf spoke of our work as organizing the body as if it were an electric wire. [Do you see where I'm going with this?]

She planted her flag in her usual straightforward, unambiguous way: "This is the gospel of Rolfing: When the body gets working appropriately, the force of Gravity can flow through. Then, spontaneously, the body heals itself."

Take a moment. Tune in to the life current inside your skin. Sorry, no electronic devices allowed for this exercise. No distractions, please. When you stop and look inside, you'll notice ... YOU'RE ALIVE, BRUH! And, it's electric!

In other words, there's a flow. So, Pilgrim, let me ask you this: How's your flow? Really. I know it's a cute way to put it, but when you settle quiet and look for it, it's there. Maybe too there-there, maybe. Lot going on in that we don't pay much attention. But, ignorance is not an excuse. It's good to feel. To feel good. And, let's be clear; when I say feel good, I mean that you can feel what's there to be felt. Real good. [Don't mean you have to like it though.]

Let's pause. If you've read this far you may be wondering where's this going? I am too, BTW. But, this is "Wronski's Wramblings". I'll get you there. If you want to "Cut to the Chase" or "Jump the Shark", let me give you a little taste of my smack: Those imbalances you carry around with you in the makeup of your body ... those self-identified and cherished thought/feeling "notes" seemingly written in stone on the sheet music of your life ... they are nothing more than the force of Gravity flowing through points of resistance in the structural fabric of your body ... and, what's more, they make a sound that resonates throughout the system bodywide ... and, what's more-more, that "electronic" song you sing is heard around the world; across the universe. Further complicated by the mistaken assumption that that is who you are. [Guess what? It's not!] Yet, here you are, just you doin' you. Until you recognize this error, you're just a one note Johnny, a one trick pony. A fake deck all with the same card.

So that's the situation. If you see it. Until you do, it's "Hey, that's just the way I am." Key point: there's a choice. What is that? Get things straight. Take out the resistance. Ohm my God! It's really that simple? Yes, it is. 

There's nothing to fear. 

I once met the funny man — as if — Garrison Keillor on the street in Manhattan. I pressed my spiel about Dr. Ida P. Rolf Method / Structural Integration on him. He said he knew people in California who where so laid back as a result of "getting Rolfed", he was worried that if he got into it he wouldn't be funny — as if]. I neglected to suggest that if he did, he'd actually be funnier. Moral of the story: We take the random set of imbalances we've acquired in our life history and make a living off them. I'd say that's a beggars bargain. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO LIVE!?

Getting the wiring straight don't mean you just play a single monotonous note. No frickin' way, Bruh! It means that you will have a choice on how you want to calibrate the amplifier. Capisce? Infinitudanally.

So now let's get into the subtle stuff. Those fractals, and sine waves.

It's like a pebble in a pond. You know how you toss in a pebble and the water resonates with ever increasing circles. Each with its amplitude and separation is a mirror image reflection of the shape and size of that what you tossed into it. Yes? 

Same with how the flowing force of Gravity comes up agin'st a "blockage" [read closed/tight/resistant] and, right there Johnny on the spot, there's a fractal created. Each one individual, as like snowflakes. And, like fractals will do, radiating outward in that individually unique shape energetically with the corresponding amplitude and duration. Simply put, our imbalances report as intensities of feeling on the range of "I can live with that" to "stop the world I want to get off". And, like when you are emotional, others pick up on it too. 

Another way to express about this flow of Gravity is to call it the Life Force. If you want to get metaphysical, you can call it "Spirit". And we all know what that Spirit is. It's Love. And, as the Beatles said it, "All you need is Love".


23 November 2022

 Chatting with Gravity.

"GRAVITY ACE" ["GA"]: Good day, and thank you so much. So great to have you chat with us.

GRAVITY [G]: You are welcome. Happy to be here. [Like as if I'm not [here] ... What, you ask? Ever here. Get it? As in, never not.]

"GA": You seem preoccupied? What's up?

G: Yes. I was thinking that that it's ironic to be "happy to be here", as if I just walked in off the street. I seem to be something ineluctable, constant, and ever present 
[that is, when words are used, otherwise ineffable].

"GA": I recall Dr. Ida P. Rolf speaking to how Gravity is a constant. A reference, if you will.

G: Yes, I will.

"GA": What? You "will" to be constant?

G: No. My will is constant. Constancy. Con-stance. "With Standing."

"GA": Well, then what is your will?

G: Simple. Keep things straight! Or, for you dumbass ignoramuses ... straighten the frick up! There's more. Lot's more. But, baby steps. You can't reach for the stars if your aim ain't true. So, first, straighten up, and fly right.

"GA": Constant, I get that. But, is there movement in it? Direction?

G: Absolutomento! Straight Up! [Gad! Do I have to repeat myself on that?!]

"GA": Just up?

G: Look. I'm talking to you about something which is as plain as a mud fence. Maybe you could brush up on your General Semantics?

"GA": Huh?

G: Like you should know by now that "up" needs a "down" to be up. [It works the same the other way.] 

"GA": So there's a polarity?

G: Yes, And, don't let the coming polar shift find you standing beside yourself.

"GA": "Shift"! "Polar"! "Polar Shift"!

G: I'm attempting to say there's a choice. Either to take your sense of things [including, BTW, what you take yourself to be] from your surroundings and circumstances. Or be mindful that you also have a sense of yourself in your own right 
— but to certainly please do factor in your surroundings and circumstances. It's tangible. You're always really aware of it. [Just painted over some.] Try this: Raise your hand. Alright. You know you raised your hand. Right? It's like that. It's just there to see.

"GA": Is that so?

G: Hey! Wakey, wakey. I'm what's so. Not all of it. But, a goldang big part of all of it. My best feature is that I, like I already said, I am "ineluctable, constant, ever present". And, if I may pick on a bone, something that your kind has yet to figure out is that I'm like a source. A source of whatever. And, a source to Source. Wise the F up!

"GA": Language!

G: "Language". General Semantics, bruh! Language is not just in words. There's body language. Sign language. Languages ... so many! The "Language of Love". I have a language. I'm talking to you, sure. But, I'm always talking ... but, not with words.

When you have my perspective the message I'm getting from all over your lovely planet is that things need to be straightened out. I'm deducing that from seeing all the sturm und drang being staged, with the actors unaware that the underlying problem is that they are "at war with Gravity" [props to Dr. Ida P. Rolf for that firm grasp of the obvious].

Maybe since you're going to the Library on General Semantics maybe pick up on Carl G. Jung. You may have heard how he brought to light that what you don't bring to light [from within yourself] will come out in front of you and bite you in the ass, and you'll think it's coming from somewhere other than you. Dig it.

"GA": Straightened out. You mean like living with my body balanced in line with Gravity?

G: Well that is one thing. Body structure. Yet, there's also "straightening out" in the structure of world society. How we've set things up among ourselves. Our psychology.  And, what is working; what's not. Trouble is there are some faithless, bad actors who want to have it to themselves. Zero sum, I think it's called: "Win/Lose". 

"GA": Now you are teaching about something that is not just about tangible physical body balance. But, even so, it might be something that a balanced body would appreciate?

G: Whatever. And, yes. Look. It's just sort of obvious that the world is mucked up, isn't it? Not the Real World. But the made up world; of labels and agreements and concepts. There's plenty of evidence for what I'm talking about. You yourself may have had a moment seeing it's Mashuga!

"GA": Oh, Great One! Please! Please tell us what to do?

G: Kiss my ass! "Great One!" Duh! As if I never was. What to do? What to do? 

Choose: 1. "You do you" [as in same old, same old]. 
Or ... 2. Get yourself right! You! 

Never mind about anyone else. Your problem is that you go around living as if everything is separate. Fool! Wakey, wakey.

"GA": Not much more to say now.

G: Oh, I got plenty to say!

["GA": "Gravity Ace" has just been in conversation with Gravity. Stay tuned for our next visit. Ta ta.]

08 July 2022


Gravity. We usually talk about that it has to do with how things go up and down. Apples fall straight down. And, rain. And, Niagara Falls. You know. Like that. We “see” it outside of our personal selves; in the comings and goings of the World. We see gravity as a Line. Mostly, from the side.

There are other ways to look at Gravity. On the inside ... of it. Imagine the inside is what’s there when you cut a cross section of that Line of Gravity and you take a look.

Oh, and by the way, while a case can easily be made on how we conventionally “see” Gravity, as a Line [that we see in a lateral aspect], another view is to see that Line extending to the Center of the Universe. Pointing. Leading. And, coming back on itself like the Ouroboros.

So, we’re looking at that cross section of the Line of Gravity. What do we see? [Maybe the simplest answer will come with the question: what don’t we see?]

We notice some elemental things.

That Line ... it’s got no edge. In fact, it’s got no center. I believe there are as many different things to see in the Center of Gravity as there are, have been, and will be human beings. Or, Nothing.

[C’mon Man! It’s just me talking.]

But, hey! Don’t get me wrong. Even as your “Gravity Ace” I’m not suggesting that living in balance with Gravity is the end-all and be-all. I just can’t help but wonder what sort of balance is needed in all the other, holistically related areas of human life. And how each of those domains needs to be settled with the soul. Within the soul.

In other words, insofar as living in balance with the ecosystem is concerned, Rolf Structural Integration is a peerless and definitive approach to human balance on Earth. It enlists Gravity. Really, that’s all there is to it.

Lest my enthusiasm as your “Gravity Ace” leave the impression that it’s the only thing to do. Far from it. But, whatever might you want to do; don’t you think you’d enjoy yourself a bit more if you lived with bodily balance? “DO YOU REALLY WANT TO LIVE?”

Also, if you want to take a look for yourself at the Center of Gravity ... Go! Just take a hint from the quest itself ... Go Within. It just might speed up the process to organize your body so that you can live in harmony with the prevailing wind.

"The world is witnessing an acute conflict between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. On the one hand, there are selfish persons who seek their happiness blindly through lust for power, unbridled greed, and unrelieved hatred. Ignorant of the real purpose of life, they have sunk to the lowest level of civilization. They bury their higher selves in the wreckage of crumbling forms that linger on from the dead past. Bound by material interests and limited conceptions, they are forgetful of their divine destiny." 

~ MEHER BABA in Discourses

19 March 2022


It Concerns ... Your Standing On Earth 

This website will give you some tips and pointers toward living into more tangible balance in you own life.

More to the point, how you stand. That makes a difference, you know. On how you see the world. And, how the world sees you. 

It's a matter of balance. Merely standing on two feet is not the whole of it. Not nearly. There's the evolutionary possibility for us humans to stand fully upright. According to the Anatomical design of the body and the basic Physics of Gravity. 

Simply put, living adequate to the demands of the constant and ever present pull of Gravity. Most people fall short.

We know from science and its practical application in architecture how things should be put together. We make sure whatever we build is, at its core, what the trades call "plumb" and "square". This goes back to pre-recorded history when somebody first figured out the simple fact that a stone fence would last if the stones were set one on top of the other. 

This applies to the human body too. The inherent natural design of the human body calls for everything to be level and even around a vertical line. Stacked up nice and straight. 

The center line of the body is supposed to match up with the vertical action of Gravity. When the two are aligned you are living in balance. Equipoise. This is not just a nice idea. A high concept. It's tangible. A percept. You feel it. And, it feels right. You see it for yourself.

There are implications here concerning health. Bodily balance is, by definition, healthy. Psychologically, bodily balance equates with being present, having a clear-eyed take on your world. What could be more ecological? Enlisting the energy field of the Earth as a ingrained standard for balanced living. Spiritually, balance and inner peace are directly related. Oh, yes. It feels good too.

This is all just plain common sense. But, you have to give the idea a moment to sink in. Most people aren't living anywhere near their natural potential for true balance in the makeup of their bodies. Out of balance is so commonplace it goes unnoticed. Even, taken for normal. Usual, yes. Normal? Kind of.

Take a look at these stills from the recent movie Birdman. What do you see?

My first take when I saw the image on top was that it might be a posture thing. A moment in time where the actor moved one shoulder higher than the other. I looked further, and it appears that may be the way the gentleman is put together. I'll bet most people who saw the movie were only struck by the fact that he was levitating. I was. The other, just as obvious spatial imbalance, goes unnoticed.

To illustrate the point further, go somewhere where lots of folks are around to observe. Now, take a look at how they walk. Sure, one foot goes in front of the other. But, look more closely. Each person exhibits a different pattern of movement. This is a result to a very large extent on how their individual life histories have become recorded into the very fabric of their flesh. The seemingly simple act of walking is a complex motor function. The articulation of the feet and legs. The transfer of movement through the pelvis. Then upward, through the torso and into the shoulders. The neck and head also participate; or, don't. Tightly fixed head ... that's called "head strong".

Also, as you observe how people move, consider how some patterns are more efficient and graceful. Then, how some others (a lot), if extended over a long period of time, will lead to complications and disfunctions. 

This is not necessary. And, it's easy to correct. But, again, you have to want it. It does take doing. So, what to do?

KEY POINTER: Pay attention to how you use your body. It's called mindfulness. Just include your body sense into your total field of awareness. Your body is constantly giving you feedback on when it's happy, and when it's not. Pay attention to the signals. Adjust accordingly.

Additional posts on this website will be added to build on this basic foundation. 

If you want to get into it big time right away, here's a place to go. Click this

Shake Hands With Gravity

 Shake Hands With Gravity

Let it play ...

04 November 2021

Stop Polluting Gravity!

Yes, you read it right. Stop polluting Gravity. 


So here’s the deal. Gravity. You probably have heard of it. Yes? It’s what holds the universe together, bruh. Locally, it’s what keeps you from flying off the face of the Earth. It's also that pesky thing that makes things break when you drop them. 

We all know about Gravity. And, how it works. If you’ve ever dropped one of Mama’s prized teacups and it breaks on the floor, you know from Gravity. Heck, every kid at a very early age who played at stacking blocks — and who hasn’t — knows about Gravity. Maybe not in words, or even the whys and wherefores; but, on a preverbal level: them blocks gotta stack up straight if you want them to stay stacked up. Capeesh, Italiane?

So, now that we’re on the same page about how Gravity is, what’s the skinny on “polluting Gravity”? Maybe better to put it, wasting Gravity. “Disturbing” would also fit. Actually, "ignoring" and "not appreciating" can go on the list of pollutants.

Let’s first talk “pollution”. Pollution is simply what when you put something in whatever you have that don’t belong. A pollutant is that what is harmful to what you put it in. Nasty. Unhealthy. Dangerous. Like plastic in the oceans. There’s the soot and foul gasses in the air. And, the poisonous chemicals in the dirt. Lead in the water. Like that.

If you’re paying attention, you may have an idea that it’s a big deal. Silent Spring-time. If you haven’t heard of the Club of Rome, get on board. They called the alarm way back in the early 1970s.

Now, Gravity. Gravity is a field. As such it surrounds the Earth. It is constant, ever-present. Ineluctable. [That last big word means that it cannot be denied.] Yet … yet, we are inured to it. [That is, we’re accustomed to it; so much so that we don’t notice it.]

The human body also has/is an energy field. The human energy field should be in synch with the Gravitational field. No? Who would argue that? Like in water, the proper relationship for fish and humans is the same … you swim.

So, how do you swim in Gravity?

If you asked a fish about the water, they’d say, “What water?”. Gravity for humans is like water for fish. When’s the last time someone asked you “how ya doin’ with Gravity?”. Never.

So then, how to be “in synch” with Gravity? Better, why that be importante. Since we know that structures need to be stacked up and be level to endure under the influence of Earth’s Gravitational Field, we build things “plumb and square.” Those stack of blocks, writ large.

And … and, same for how our body stacks up. By design and the laws of Physics we know the human body is supposed to be stacked up vertically, symmetrical [even] side to side, and level [the major segments placed horizontal front to back. Think of the pelvis like a bowl; needs to be level to hold its contents. Not like so often, tipped forward.]

So how do you pollute Gravity? By living out of sorts with the basic and obvious need to be balanced in the makeup of the body. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a quaint tourist destination. It’s a major polluter of Gravity. Gravity has feelings too. When you’re off-kilter, Mother Nature is offended. It harshes the vibe, bruh! Like how sloshing your hand in that still pond sends vibes through, and all the fishies get all upset and all. You’re rocking the boat, so to speak. Don’t do that!

What to do? This is a big subject. As you can see from here I got plenty to say. So let’s cut to the chase. What to do? Take steps to be sure your body is in balance. Balance according to the dictates of Gravity. I’m a professional in the field of balancing the body with the Gravitational field of the Earth. Don’t call me! First … see if living in simple alignment and balance with the pull of Gravity is something you see as valuable. Something you want for yourself. Then, give me a call.

You got children? They grow bigger and stronger automatically. Balance in the structure of their body has a large learning component. You send them to school to learn how to operate in the world, in society, in whatever area of interest they will explore. How about schooling in the basic use of their body. Not some didactic set of concepts and explanations. But, ingrained into their very tangible bodily sense.
Living in balance with Gravity. It’s good for you. In general. And for performance and full expressiveness. Oh, and, it feels good!

Dig it! Don’t waste it.